163 research outputs found

    Impacts on the social cohesion of mainland Spain’s future motorway and high-speed rail networks

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    Una gran expansión de la red de infraestructuras viarias y ferroviarias está prevista en el Plan de Infraestructuras, Transportes y Vivienda (PITVI), a fin de lograr una mayor cohesión social en 2024 en España. Por esta razón, el objetivo de este estudio es para clasificar e identificar a los municipios que van a mejorar o empeorar su cohesión social. Para lograr este objetivo, los municipios fueron clasificados según el grado de desarrollo socioeconómico, y sus niveles de accesibilidad se determinaron antes y después de la construcción de estas infraestructuras. En primer lugar, la clasificación socioeconómica demuestra que existe predominio en la mitad septentrional de la península en los municipios más desarrollados. En segundo lugar, los niveles de accesibilidad muestran que un centro-modelo periférico se va a mantener en el futuro. Por último, los patrones territoriales, mal definidos, se obtiene con respecto a los efectos positivos o negativos de las nuevas infraestructuras en el ámbito de la cohesión social. Por lo tanto, es posible afirmar que el plan de construcción va a cumplir su objetivo parcialmente, ya que una cuarta parte de la población va a ser afectada por un impacto negativo en el desarrollo socioeconómico. Como consecuencia, las personas que viven aquí van a tener grandes problemas para lograr la cohesión social.A great expansion of the road and rail network is contemplated in the Infrastructure, Transport and Housing Plan (PITVI in Spanish), in order to achieve greater social cohesion in 2024 in Spain. For this reason, the aim of this study is to classify and to identify those municipalities that are going to improve or worsen their social cohesion. To achieve this goal, the municipalities were classified according to the degree of socioeconomic development, and their accessibility levels were determined before and after the construction of these infrastructures. Firstly, the socioeconomic classification demonstrates that there is predominance in the northern half of the peninsula in the most developed municipalities. Secondly, the accessibility levels show that the same center-peripheral models are going to be kept in the future. Finally, poorly-defined territorial patterns are obtained with respect to the positive or negative effects of new infrastructures on social cohesion. Therefore, it is possible to state that the construction plan is going to partially fulfill its aim, since a quarter of the population is going to be affected by a negative impact on socioeconomic development. As a consequence, people who live here are going to have major problems in achieving social cohesion.Trabajo patrocinado por: Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda GR15121peerReviewe

    Accessibility dynamics and regional cross-border cooperation (CBC) perspectives in the portuguese—spanish borderland

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    Accessibility plays a major role in achieving sustainable transport, and therefore urban and regional sustainability. The urban public transport system promotes mobility and realizes a large part of urban movements. Moreover, improving accessibility in order to promote sustainable transport requires the application of new concepts and indicators as a powerful tool in the process of creating a balanced urban transport system. In this regard, one of the main goals of this research is to present an overview of the relevant accessibility indicators and assessment of accessibility in regional Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) in order to transcendence challenges and obstacles for sustainable transportation in these regions along of Portuguese-Spanish border. This paper focuses on the accessibility of cross-border cooperation scenarios along the border regions of Alto Alentejo (Portugal) and Badajoz (Spain) where the Case Study Research Method (CSR) made it possible to recognize accessibility as a key factor in territorial success. Also, accessibility analysis can assess improvements as well as regional imbalances. In addition, this methodology can be used to identify missing links, which requires new investments enabling long-term sustainability.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing high speed railway service areas in Spain mainland from a multi-method GIS approach

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    The high-speed railway stations are the only access point to enjoy this rail service. Thus, its location and spatial distribution, and the roads to access them, acquires great importance. For this reason, taking into account the population of the Spanish peninsular municipalities, the degree of coverage offered by the 36 existing operating stations is determined. A methodology based on the method of determining floating catchment areas in three steps, is developed using territorial accessibility measures which were obtained through the network analysis tool offered by a Geographical Information System. The results represented by thematic cartography allow identifying the municipalities with the highest high-speed rail coverage. The municipalities with less coverage are also identified, where the road access of the residents in these municipalities to high-speed rail stations should be improved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Assessing health resources equipped with hemodynamic rooms in the Portuguese-Spanish borderland: cross-border cooperation strategies as a possible solution

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    Portugal and Spain share one of the greatest European borderland areas. This fact has direct impacts on a large territory and consequently on the communities’ living in it. Still, even if the border areas represent an essential fraction of the territory, planning policies have not resulted in specific cooperation programs that could enable sharing general leisure and recreation assets and infrastructures and collaboration in critical domains—i.e., the case of the health sector. The present study aims to assess the territorial accessibility to the hemodynamic rooms by the potential population of the Spanish-Portuguese transition areas that may suffer an acute myocardial infarction. Contextually, this study employed a spatial interaction model based on the three-step floating catchment area method (method-3SFCA). By applying these methods, it was possible to develop a map of accessibility to health infrastructures equipped with hemodynamics rooms on both sides of the border that may answer the Spanish-Portuguese border populations’ needs. Besides, while granting valuable information for decision-makers regarding the need to develop new infrastructures to guarantee that even considering cross border cooperation, everyone gets access to a hemodynamics room within the critical intervention period.GR18052, GR18054, 018/RID/2018/19info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Cross-border cooperation – the barriers analysis and the recommendations

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    La cuestión se refiere a las barreras que limitan el proceso de cooperación transfronteriza (CBC) en las eurorregiones. Se han identificado dos tipos de barreras que provienen del entorno transfronterizo y las circunstancias específicas de la CBC en las eurorregiones. Estas barreras se identifican y analizan con referencia a los objetivos estratégicos de la Eurorregión de Cieszyn Silesia, situada en la frontera polaco-checa. El objetivo de este documento es señalar las posibles formas de limitar las principales barreras que obstaculizan el logro de los objetivos de la eurorregión, gracias al compromiso de los tres principales interesados en la cooperación transfronteriza. Los resultados de la investigación se analizan en comparación con otras investigaciones relativas a la Eurorregión EUROACE, situada entre los territorios portugués y español. La investigación muestra que en ambas Eurorregiones se identifican barreras "externas" similares al desarrollo de la cooperación transfronteriza, que son características de las regiones periféricas, distantes de los centros de decisión nacionales y regionales. Al mismo tiempo, el estudio identificó barreras 'internas' al desarrollo de la cooperación transfronteriza, que afectan más fuertemente a los objetivos sociales de la cooperación y que pueden reducirse a nivel local mediante una hábil política de los gobiernos locales que debería crear el desarrollo de las eurorregiones y movilizar a las organizaciones no gubernamentales y a los empresarios para la cooperación.The issue concerns the barriers limiting the process of cross-border cooperation (CBC) in Euroregions. There are two identified kinds of barriers coming out from the cross-border environment and the specific CBC circumstances in Euroregions. These barriers are identified and analysed with reference to the strategic goals of Cieszyn Silesia Euroregion, located on the Polish-Czech border. The goal of this paper is to point out the possible ways to limit the key barriers hindering the achievement of Euroregion goals, thanks to the commitment of the three key CBC stakeholders. The results of the research are analysed in comparison with other research concerning EUROACE Euroregion, located between the Portuguese and Spanish territories. Research shows that in both Euroregions similar ‘external’ barriers to the development of cross-border cooperation are identified, which are characteristics of peripheral regions, distant from national and regional decision centres. At the same time, the study identified ‘internal’ barriers to the development of cross-border cooperation, which most strongly affect the social objectives of cooperation and can be reduced at the local level by a skilful policy of local governments that should create the development of Euroregions and mobilize non-governmental organizations and entrepreneurs for cooperation.peerReviewe

    Land valuation sustainable model of urban planning development: a case study in Badajoz, Spain

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    El proceso de desarrollo de la planificación urbana en los territorios urbanos tiene múltiples consecuencias, no solo en la estructura espacial sino también en los patrones de valoración de la tierra. El valor económico de la tierra incluida en la planificación municipal, que se asocia con un cierto uso urbanizado, aumenta a medida que los procesos de planificación evolucionan en estas tierras. Para que la valoración económica de la tierra cumpla con los parámetros requeridos del desarrollo sostenible urbano y territorial, es fundamental que en la determinación del valor de la tierra no existan expectativas de realizaciones difíciles o imposibles, para eliminar cualquier elemento especulativo de la valoración. El modelo de valoración de la tierra presentado en el presente estudio cumple con esta premisa, proponiendo un modelo de valoración de la tierra sostenible basado en la evolución del desarrollo de la planificación urbana, logrando el máximo valor cuando está completamente urbanizado. El objetivo principal del presente trabajo es analizar cómo aumenta el valor de la tierra a medida que se desarrolla la planificación municipal y sugerir un modelo de valoración sostenible para la tierra con uso urbano. Contextualmente, a través de un análisis de estudio de caso, el desarrollo de la planificación municipal se ha dividido con el tiempo en cuatro estados urbanos: (i) tierra sin planificación detallada; (ii) terrenos con planificación detallada; (iii) terrenos con re-parcelación; y (iv) tierra urbanizada. En este sentido, se ha determinado la evolución gradual del valor de la tierra que ha alcanzado diferentes estados a lo largo del tiempo, al igual que los escenarios donde el valor ha aumentado hasta el valor de la tierra urbanizada.The urban planning development process in urban territories has multiple consequences, not only in spatial structure but also in land valuation patterns. The economic value of land encompassed in municipal planning—which is associated with a certain urbanized use—increases as the planning processes evolve over these lands. For economic land valuation to comply with the required parameters of urban and territorial sustainable development, it is pivotal that in the determination of land value there are no expectations of difficult or impossible realizations, in order to eliminate any speculative element from the valuation. The land valuation model presented in the current study complies with this premise, proposing a sustainable land valuation model based on the evolution of urban planning development, achieving maximum value when it is fully urbanized. The main objective of the present work is to analyze how land value increases as municipal planning develops and to suggest a sustainable valuation model for land with urban use. Contextually, through a case study analysis, the development of municipal planning has been divided over time into four urban states: (i) land without detailed planning; (ii) land with detailed planning; (iii) land with re-parceling; and (iv) urbanized land. In this regard, the gradual evolution of land value which has reached different states over time has been determined, as has scenarios where the value has increased up to the value of urbanized land.• Junta de Extremadura y Fondos FEDER. Ayuda al Grupo de investigación ARAM — Recursos ambientales y al Grupo de Investigación de AnálisispeerReviewe

    The Evolution of Land-Use Changes in the Alto Tâmega Region, Portugal: From 1990 to 2018 - A Vision of Sustainable Planning

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    Considering the complex dynamics, patterns, and particularities that the Alto Tâmega region present—e.g., the fragility, shown to achieve sustainable development and growth—a study that analyzes the Land-Use of this region is seen as pivotal to identifying barriers and opportunities for long-term sustainable development, get a vision of sustainable planning. Using GIS (Geographic Information Systems), the present chapter enables us to identify the dynamics and patterns of the evolution of the Land-Use Changes in the Alto Tâmega Region from 1990 to 2018 (years 1990, 2000, 2012, and 2018 using CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) data). Land-Use Changes studies are reliable tools to evaluate the human activities and footprint of proposed strategies and policies in a territory. This study permits us to reinforce that the Land-Use Changes in the Alto Tâmega Region have undergone multiple changes—marked by increasing and decreasing periods. Also, can be considered a surveying baseline for the comparative analysis of similar works for different Land-Use Changes trends in Europe or worldwide. This chapter also enables us to understand that the main actors should design development policies to protect, preserve and conserve these incomparable landscapes, environments, ecosystems, and the region as a whole

    Analysis of uncertainty in a middle-cost device for 3D measurements in BIM perspective

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    Medium-cost devices equipped with sensors are being developed to get 3D measurements. Some allow for generating geometric models and point clouds. Nevertheless, the accuracy of these measurements should be evaluated, taking into account the requirements of the Building Information Model (BIM). This paper analyzes the uncertainty in outdoor/indoor three-dimensional coordinate measures and point clouds (using Spherical Accuracy Standard (SAS) methods) for Eyes Map, a medium-cost tablet manufactured by e-Capture Research & Development Company, Mérida, Spain. To achieve it, in outdoor tests, by means of this device, the coordinates of targets were measured from 1 to 6 m and cloud points were obtained. Subsequently, these were compared to the coordinates of the same targets measured by a Total Station. The Euclidean average distance error was 0.005–0.027 m for measurements by Photogrammetry and 0.013–0.021 m for the point clouds. All of them satisfy the tolerance for point cloud acquisition (0.051 m) according to the BIM Guide for 3D Imaging (General Services Administration); similar results are obtained in the indoor tests, with values of 0.022 m. In this paper, we establish the optimal distances for the observations in both, Photogrammetry and 3D Photomodeling modes (outdoor) and point out some working conditions to avoid in indoor environments. Finally, the authors discuss some recommendations for improving the performance and working methods of the device.peerReviewe

    The Multivariated Effect of City Cooperation in Land Use Planning and Decision-Making Processes: A European Analysis

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    Spatial and urban planning processes regarding border cooperation have reached unprecedented levels in recent decades, not only due to their potential for territorial integration, i.e., infrastructure construction and planning activities worldwide. Bearing in mind the European project, for a united and strong network of nations, this scenario is more evident in European territories. In this regard, through multivariated analyzes of city cooperation on European border areas, it is possible to identify the factors that influence the territorial success and also a sustainable regional development and even their effects over the urban agglomerations. From the identified factors, the study pointed out one that is common to all cases: connectivity-movement between cities

    Land-use changes in the canary archipelago using the CORINE Data: a retrospective analysis

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    The relationships between territorial governance and the pursuit of sustainable development are evidenced to be critical. Exploratory tools, like Geographic Information Systems (GIS), enable us to comprehend the patterns, dynamics, and parameters of land-use changes over the years. The results from such studies could be used in the design of a sustainable territorial governance strategy. Contextually, a study has been conducted based on the changes that occurred in land uses in the Canary Archipelago in the years 1990, 2000, 2012, and 2018 using CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) data. Even if most of the land uses have been stable over the analyzed period, the investigation shows a decrease in agricultural areas. By contrast, it is possible to verify an increase in semi-natural areas and urban agglomerations. Moreover, the authors believe that an assessment of the land-use changes on these ultra-peripheral areas will also enable us to disclose some obstacles and opportunities for sustained development.FCT—Foundation for Science and Technology to VALORIZAinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio